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4a St Johns Hill, Sevenoaks TN13 3NP, England

At Karimi Rugs knowledge meets unmatched customer service. We strive to deliver the best services and products from rug cleaning and restoration to the sale of fine quality, hard wearing Persian rugs, Afghan rugs, Indian rugs and Oriental rugs. We offer a deep and varied selection of the best quality Persian rugs, Afghan rugs, Indian rugs and other hand-knotted rugs and carpets on the market today.

To confidently buy hand-knotted rugs and carpets that are sourced and vigorously examined is what we offer our customers with pride. We scrutinize every aspect of our hand-knotted rugs and carpets to buy, ensuring that only those of the best standards make their way to our customers. These pieces are true works of art for those that love design as well as a durable long lasting piece of home decor.

With our unmatched rugs and carpets cleaning and restoration techniques we offer all our customers peace of mind in delivering quality and maintaining that quality to the highest standards.



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